Saturday, January 2, 2016

Mini doll mischief

Here at the house, there are some rumors of the mini dolls causing mischief. We have set up cameras all over the house to see if these rumor are true. But here today we have unveiled this rumor.

 After very careful consideration, we have decided to leave up the cameras to see if any more mischief will turn up. I do hope that you shall not have to encounter the same mischief as we did.

- Rebecca

Meet Rebecca's Dolls!

My story begins when I got my first doll from AG. The very first dolls I got were a set of Bitty Twins. I named them Nick & Madison. But my first 18" was a just like you doll. Her name is Rebecca, which I named after myself. I got Rebecca the same year that my mom got Ruthie. But from what I remember, I think that my mom was more emotional then me! But I don't blame her because she had wanted one around my age.

But now a few years later, my population had grown from one to ten. Besides me, my sister Sarah, my mom Karen, my grandmother, and my great-grandmother all collect.

Here is the most recent photo of my doll family.


Elizabeth Cole
McKenna Brooks
Cecile Ray
Kaya (atomamy)

Samantha Parkington

Nellie O'Malley


And here are some fun photos that I took!

Elizabeth in the stables.

Kaya riding her horse.

Samantha painting.

Nellie wheeling Samantha's bike around.

Kaya trying to hit Elizabeth with a pillow while Elizabeth is sleeping.

Caroline trying to escape an oncoming tsunami.

Saige in the hot air balloon.

Kaya protesting during Thanksgiving.

The protest sign up close.

- Rebecca

Meet Karen's Dolls!

My story of how I got into collecting starts back when I was eleven years old and I first saw the very first Pleasant Company catalog. I poured over those pages trying to figure out which one of those beautiful dolls I would most like to have. My mom looked over the catalog with me and announced that while they were beautiful dolls with fabulous collections, I was getting too old to spend that much money on a doll for me. I kind of agreed with her, but said that when I was older and had a daughter I was going to get one of those dolls too. Fast forward almost 25 years to the Christmas after my oldest daughter turned five. She was getting her first 18 inch AG doll for Christmas with a few outfits and accessories. I still wanted an AG doll for myself, but I did not order one. Little did I know that my mom had called my husband with an idea for my Christmas gift that year. So on Christmas morning after all the presents were opened, my husband pulled one last present from behind the tree. I knew from the shape of the box it had to be a doll, but I just couldn't believe it. I opened the present and there was my Ruthie! I sat on the floor hugging Ruthie to my chest with tears streaming down my face. I was so happy to FINALLY have the AG doll I always wanted!

So, now a few years later, my desire to have just one AG doll has grown into a full-fledged doll family of eleven. I have to say that I love seeing them every day and love that I can share this hobby with both of my daughters, Rebecca and Sarah, and of course my mom and my grandmother. (Yes, my 95 year-old grandmother has about 10 AG dolls, although I have lost count with her dolls!)

Here is the most recent photo of my doll family taken this past December:

And in the order they joined my doll family:

Ruthie Smithens
Charlotte Larkin (#33)

Marie-Grace Gardner

Saige Copeland

Josefina Montoya
Kit Kitteridge

Felicity Merriman

Grace Thomas
Lydia Claire Livingston (#55)
Callista (last name to be determined, #58)

I also got Brianna Ellen (#61) for Christmas, but I haven't taken any photos of her yet. 

Meet Our Dolls!

We are so excited to FINALLY post our first entry to the Dollie Cottage blog! We love all things AG and have quite a few dolls in our collections. My daughters and I have been collecting for seven years now since my oldest daughter was five. She is now twelve and really wanted to start a blog with her "old" mom about our dolls. So to start it off, we thought we would post a group photo of the entire family. Although this photo is a little outdated since we have added a few since it was taken. In the next few weeks, we will try to get all the girls together for a new group shot.

Since this photo was taken, we have added Kirsten, Samantha, Grace, Lydia, Nellie, Callista, Brianna, Bethany, and Sylvie. It was a very busy year in our dollie house since five of those dolls were added from Jill's Steals & Deals. My older daughter, Rebecca, and I are very excited to add Lea to our collections this year. And I am very excited for Melody's debut in July.